Your Relief Blog

Fall Asthma

Posted on Sep 17, 2019 10:58:29 AM

Allergy problems in the fall and late summer are usually caused by a mold allergy. Inhaled steroids, allergy shots, and keeping your house closed up and air-conditioned can help reduce the symptoms.


Fall asthma is a special allergy type of problem that we deal with frequently. If you’ve got a lot of allergy problems in the late summer and fall, most the time a person finds the mold allergy is especially hard to take care of. The mold spores get down into the deep recesses of our bronchial tubes and patients have sudden onset of the cough, shortness of breath, and often it’s in the late afternoon instead of the middle of the night. Inhaled steroids, allergy shots, and keeping the house closed up air-conditioned are all key components to making the patient well and being able to be active and having fun.

Topics: Asthma

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