Your Relief Blog

What Are Hives?

Posted on Feb 13, 2018 10:15:39 AM

Hives (or urticaria) will affect 1 out of 5 people during their lifetime. They are itchy, red or skin colored bumps with redness around them that come and go. Histamine is the substance that actually causes the hives. This means that if you have hives, they are the result of histamine being released from your mast cells.

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Topics: Allergies

When To See An Allergist

Posted on Nov 23, 2017 4:50:50 PM

Not all allergy problems require you to see an allergist. If you are able to control your occasional allergy symptoms with over-the-counter antihistamines or nasal steroids, you usually don’t need to see a doctor that specializes in allergies. However, if your allergies are interfering with your normal day-to-day activities, it may be time to see an allergist.

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Topics: Allergies

Treating Your Anaphylaxis

Posted on Oct 23, 2017 10:14:53 AM

The scariest type of allergy is clearly anaphylaxis. During an attack, the patient generally gets itchy all over and can face problems like their throat closing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, vomiting, diarrhea, or passing out. An exceptionally severe attack can even be fatal.

Food allergies are the most common reason cause of anaphylaxis. It can also happen with drug allergies or stings from bees, wasps, yellow jackets, hornets, or fire ants. More rare causes include exercise, cold temperature, and there is even a disease called idiopathic anaphylaxis, which is when anaphylaxis occurs with no recognized trigger.

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Topics: Allergies

How Much Allergy Medication Might You Use In Your Lifetime?

Posted on Oct 23, 2017 10:12:44 AM

In our latest infographic, we took a person that uses over-the-counter nasal spray to treat dust mite, mold, or grass allergies and did the math to see how much medication the person would use in his lifetime.

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Topics: Allergies

Send Those Nasty Allergies Packing!

Posted on Aug 08, 2017 9:57:32 AM

Have you been trying to avoid your allergies but they follow you everywhere you go? Are you feeling miserable? Is the sneezing and itchy, watery eyes nasal drainage, and constant coughing getting to be too much?

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Topics: Allergies

Top Back To School Tips For Students With Allergies!

Posted on Jul 18, 2017 9:34:02 AM

It’s about time to return to school.  Classes, gym, sports, music, and friends await!

Students with allergies don’t just bring their desire to learn and participate when they get back to school.  They also bring their allergies!  Knowing this can be frightening, especially for a parent who knows how much their child suffers because of their allergies.  Just remember, our schools have been at this for years so you want to tap into all the support you can to help your child stay well.

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Topics: Allergies

Exercise For Asthmatics

Posted on May 03, 2017 12:11:22 PM

Even if you don’t have asthma, just saying the word “exercise” might make you feel like you need more air. Imagine if you were one of the millions with asthma who actually need more air every day, even if they aren’t exercising. Would you make exercising a priority if you felt like that?
 Unfortunately, this is a common cycle for many children with asthma. They start thinking that being sedentary is the only lifestyle to keep their asthma under control and live a normal life. They sit and watch their friends play games, and they might make up reasons to avoid physical activities. This pattern might go on and on until it becomes the norm throughout their entire life.
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Topics: Allergies, Asthma

Allergy Testing In Eosinophilic Esophagitis

Posted on May 03, 2017 9:33:21 AM

So you’ve been diagnosed with Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE) – now what, right?  The food sticking in your throat, the heartburn that the medications wouldn’t take away led to your EoE diagnosis.  Now you want to know what causes your case and how to find relief.
For most patients, food exposure is why you are experiencing the EoE symptoms and avoidance is what you need to do to get relief.
How do you identify the culprit(s)?  It can be harder than you might think.
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Topics: Allergies

What Causes Asthma?

Posted on Feb 17, 2017 9:25:51 AM

What Causes Asthma?

Asthma patients know all to well the suffering from being short of breath, having a tight chest and cough, and the wheezing noises. Why do these problems come and go? Can’t they just stay away?

The term ‘trigger’ is often used for a reason that asthma gets worse. Triggers can be obvious but often are not. For instance, all asthmatics have certain genetic issues that set them up to have asthma to begin with. You can’t do anything about your DNA, but you can deal with the other things that affect your asthma! Let’s go through some of the most common asthma triggers.

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Topics: Allergies, Asthma

Allergies In Asthma: Where’s The Relief?

Posted on Feb 17, 2017 9:23:47 AM

Allergies In Asthma: Where’s the Relief?

It doesn’t seem fair — not only do you have asthma but you also suffer from allergy symptoms like itchy eyes and nose, plus that itchy rash in the creases of your arms and legs. While genetics play a role in your asthma, so can allergy and infections.

For most patients, exposures to allergens (things we can be allergic to like dust mites, pollens, etc.) are to blame for causing most of these symptoms. If you want to get better, you have to treat your allergies.

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Topics: Allergies, Asthma

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But still need an Allergist?

If you need an Asthma specialist or Allergist and you are not in the Sioux Falls South Dakota area, please use one of the links below to find one closer to you:

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